Quests Continued
WCAG and Quest GUI
Enchantments, GUI, Charms
Stackin' hell
Back to GUI and enchantment refactoring
GUI and C# compilation time
Retrospective, quests, art and more
Hover Info And Names
Telegraphing attacks and particle systems
Procedural dungeon stress test, part 2
Procedural dungeon stress test
Potions, bottles and sprites
Color ramps, GUI, effects, refactoring
Configuration I/O Plumbing Trifecta
Items and Enchantments Redux
Gamescom et cetera
Art, and the land of the Penguins
GUI: Under Control
GUI: Character Sheet
GUI: Inventory
GUI: Equipment screen
GUI: Misc updates
GUI: Pause Screen
Level GUI
Overworld GUI
Society GUI: Better and Faster
GUI: Society map screen
GUI: Continue, MapGen and Startup Time
Fonts, Bumps and GUI
General bugfixing and small features
When the earth did not stand still
Movement Juice and Timing Woes
Unity to Godot port complete!!!
Inputs, water, lava!
Graphics Aquatic
Inspector, death and beyond
Unity to Godot part 13: Loading a level
Serialization done, back to porting
Serialization and weak references
Serialization refactor
Unity to Godot Part 12: Input and Serialization
Unity to Godot Part 11: The Game Begins
Unity to Godot Part 10: Godot update, logo and more
Unity to Godot Part 9: Buffers and decals
Unity to Godot Part 8: Particle Systems
Unity to Godot Part 7: Country roads
Unity to Godot Part 6: Trees, shadows and a million monsters
Unity to Godot Part 5: Shaders and graphics abstractions
Unity to Godot Part 4: Switching to low-level rendering
Unity to Godot Part 3: Overworld Generation
Unity to Godot Part 2
Unity to Godot Part 1
Unity to Godot
Items, enchantments and 10th anniversary
Boss sites and websites
Lairs, graphs and music
Improving coastal maps
Water, fish and trees
Art direction crossroads
Object variations and spiderwebs
Misc updates
Integrating the Level Generator in Unity Part 2
Integrating the Level Generator in Unity
Wilderness Procgen Prefabs
Of spiderwebs and blood
Downscaling and Refactoring
Content tagging
Mines, maps and rooms
Altars and Mines
Map generation stress test
Procedural Prison Layout
Procedural Prefab Generation part 5
Procedural Prefab Generation part 4
Procedural Prefab Generation part 3
Procedural Prefab Generation part 2
Procedural Prefab Generation
Charging, lassoing and refactoring
Piercing projectiles
Conic area effects
Hair cover
More pressure plates and Unity 2021 LTS
Procedural pressure plates
Trailer scripting
Trailer text
Fire, snow, rain, thunder and lightning
Level liquids
Crowds and movement
Polyline Effects
Composable Sprites Part 3
Composable Sprites Part 2
ScriptableObjects no more
Composable Sprites Part 1
Light and Darkness
Scripting cutscenes
Map borders and floating text
Adding stealth gameplay
Minions, leaders and morale
Light, wait and summon
Let there be light
Dungeon generation parameterization
Prefabs, tools and bugs
Spiders, webs, and bugs in general
Prefabs at work
Room prefabs and moving domain
Prefabs and refactoring
Graves and prefab generator
Item-spawning dungeon features
Diagonal movement & thrown bombs
Creature aura pre-rendering
Creature traits, auras and elites/bosses
Refactoring Effects and Status
Entity effects & more
Refactoring abilities & input
Starting with enemy AI
Underwater effect, decals, and LZ4 compression
More autotiles: transitions between floor types
Autotiles, instancing and object clusters
Spritesheet to Unity
Procedural Generation of Painterly Mountains
Overworld Graphics Redux: Vegetation
Weather and Performance
Effects & Enchantments
Skill System Redux
A little bit about locking
Player movement, levels, objects
Field of Vision
Level Generation II: Sparsely distributed entities: entries, exits, treasure, etc.
Level generation I: Layout
Porting to Unity IX: Overworld Props
Porting to Unity VIII: Biome/rivers autotiling
Porting to Unity VII: Sprite rendering
Porting to Unity VI: RPG elements, Time
Porting to Unity V: Danger!
Porting to Unity IV: Pathfinding
Porting to Unity III: Caching 2D Arrays
Porting to Unity II : ECS basic form
Porting to Unity
Time for Action: Time and Action Management + Fast-Forward
Towards NPC simulation
NPC Party Dungeon Delving and Wilderness Encounter Simulation
Single NPC Dungeon Delving Simulation
Adventurer archetypes: Level-up strategies
Attributes, skills and masteries
Overworld adventuring: Parties, quests, locations, levels, stats and skills
City-based pathfinding in the overworld
Pathfinding in the overworld, and moving away from HPA*
City-state relations
What makes a city-state
Overworld Territories
Nations, Races and Cities
Autotiling Adventures Part IV: Mountains, trees and props
Autotiling Adventures Part III: Detail biome textures and animated coastal waves
Autotiling Adventures Part II: Procedural masks for biomes and rivers
Autotiling adventures
Shader variables
Automatic pixel art from photos
Front-end: Camera
Generating overworld resources
Overworld map generation
More messaging and shader parameterisation
Pathfinding and visualization
Widget-based rendering back end
Data Driving
City placement and path rendering
AI: Overworld Adventures Test - Complete, moving on
AI: Overworld Adventures Test - Blackboard Dependency Chains
AI: Overworld Adventures Test - Response Curve Tool
AI: Overworld Adventures Test
AI: Preparing a Behavior Tree + Utility
AI: Blackboard and Input Cache
AI: Towards Utility-Based AI
"AI" Part One
Commands and timing
Application States
Widgets - Part 4
More widgets: Buttons and TileGrids
Widget rendering
Widget specification - Part 1
And so it begins ... (?)
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